it's about time
No, not the short lived TV series from the 60s. It's about time for me to post NYC photos! I've been back from my trip to The Big Apple for almost a month, and I'm just getting around to uploading pics. Contrary to what you would be led to believe (by most who know me, especially Boyfriend), it was not due to laziness. Exactly. I'd attribute the first week of procrastination to laziness. The weeks that followed without picture posting can be attributed to my misplacing the camera battery charger. By the time I got around to making time to sift through and edit photos, my pretty little silver Sony pal was dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. And unlike my last Sony pal, I was not gifted a second battery that can be charging while I use the other. Sad, I know. So, I've been searching like mad around the house. Not a single nook or cranny went unturned. But alas, there was no charger to be found.
Just when I thought all hope was lost (this morning), the big moderately sized light bulb in my head suddenly illuminated in a moment of sheer genius! Although I had checked both desks and their drawers, the coffee table drawers, the paper filling nook, my backpack, my nightstand, and even Boyfriend's catch-all tray, I hadn't thought to check my purses! Insert forehead slap with palm of hand accompanied by a big fat "duh!"
So....all that to say this. After a short charge this afternoon, Sony pal's battery was ready to work. Without further ado...a NYC photo tour!!!

i am so excited to see you blogging more! congrats on keeping up with you goals :) I love this pics, you have such a talent! I hope you make a mini scrap book of this trip
@Amanda: I did save some "treasures" from our trip that would be great in a scrap book...good idea!
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