14 February 2011

14 things on the the 14th

Consider yourself lucky you aren't catching my first draft of this post. Suffice it to say I went on a little rant, got carried away, and completely lost sight of the purpose for this little Valentine's Day entry. Now that that's over...let's move on, shall we?

In the spirit of St. Valentine's Day, I thought I'd share a few things I love. Are you curious to know the focus of my list today? Come on, I'll show you!

14 things I love about Boyfriend:

1. his smile
2. his cute little nose
3. the insane shade of red he turns when he's giggling at It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
4. that he'll eat just about anything I cook, even the experiments gone wrong
5. that he loves, loves, loves his family and mine
6. that he'll let me pick the movie
7. that he loves God so faithfully and passionately
8. that he'll tell me I look nice (when prompted) when I wear skinny jeans, even though he hates them

9. that he participates in love-bubble affections even though he thinks it's weird
10. that he shares his food with me (even when it's obvious he wants all of it)
11. his arse
12. that he sings along to country songs when we're driving
13. his enthusiasm for outdoor adventures (and Hawaii)
14. that he'll get up and feed Lucy when I'm really, really tired (or hungover)

Welp...that's it. Everything I love about Boyfriend in a nutshell. Just kidding! That doesn't nearly cover it...but hey, fourteen is fourteen, right? I do what I can. Here are some extras for anyone who prefers pretty pictures over my type-A list.

he wears boots all the time...even in the snow

he poses for pictures like this in the middle of the thrift store

and this with the duke

and he's really good at catching catfish when all I can seem to hook are carp

AND he takes me out for nice dinners and finds awesome jewelry for my birthday, like this

So, that was my fourteen things (plus a couple). Now I'm off to make a lobster and steak dinner with Boyfriend. Do I have the best sweetheart in the world, or what? No response necessary, I know I do. =)


Amanda said...

i realize this is totally random and has nothing to do with the topic but . . . who did you find to take the picture of you two in the thrift store?
i love the list :)

asia marie @ upward said...

@Amanda: We were with our friend, Priest =)