25 May 2011

I'm working on a special project.

And that's about all the details you're gonna get. Well, I'll give you a clue.


Ok, that was less of a clue and more of an I'll tell you exactly what I've been working on. Whatev. I guess now that I've spilled the beans I'll show you the fancy pants banner I whipped up last week.

Do you love it? Me too! You can thank Mary Lu for letting me borrow her arm and chest for the background image. In fact, go on over to her blog and have a look around. You can enter her 500th post drawing for a chance to win dinero for Amazon.com, and who doesn't love free money?

Oh, and if you feel like poking around in an empty, soon-to-launch etsy shop, pop on over here.


Mary Lu said...

What is mine is yours!

Amanda said...

i checked it out! can't wait to see what you put up there !!!hopefully some of your photography too