29 April 2011

and one more makes three

I want to take a minute to talk about my babies. Because I love them. And they make me laugh. So you can just get cozy and prepare yourself for more information than you ever cared to know. Let's go oldest to youngest because that just makes sense.


In one word: diva

King Leo is our Bengal cat. We just call him Leo. I stripped him of his title after we got him home and he became a royal pain in the neck. Boyfriend and I were still apartment dwellers when we bought Leo (on sale from the Humane Society). He is the only baby we paid for, and he's proven to be the most destructive. Here's the deal. Leo pees. Where.Ever.He.Wants. Carpet. Piles of clothes. Towels. Beds. Chairs. Couches. It's much better now that we live in a home with hardwood floors, but he still manages to find "soft" spots to soil from time to time. I would insist he live outside, but whoever owned him before had him declawed on all four paws! The poor thing just can't live outdoors. So, he stays with us.

I'm sure it sounds crazy to keep him as a part of our family. And that's why I'm not asking for your opinion. Maybe it is crazy. But we love him. Despite his tendency to use the entire house as his litter box, he's just about the sweetest thing you've ever known. He cuddles CONSTANTLY. In bed. On the couch. In the recliner. Even when we're up and moving around, he's usually nearby. And he really, really wants to live outside. It's almost heart breaking to watch to him whine at the window while his sisters enjoy the outdoors. Leo can also be quite humorous to watch. He tends to sit in awkward positions, run around the house chasing Lucy while his big ol' belly swings from side to side, and always wants to play with the water while anyone is showering. Leo has a strange fascination with cups of water and I've heard him mimic bird noises while watching them fly around on the other side of our big picture window.

In one word: princess
Our family grew again just a few months later when we found Lucy at a local elementary school. She was about 4 months old and 35 pounds. At her first visit to the vet, we were told she was mixed with Great Pyrenees and we should expect her to grow to over 100 pounds! Lucy Jo is now 2 and 1/2 and is no where near 100 pounds. In fact, at her check-up yesterday, she weighed in at 72 pounds.

This girl cracks me up on a daily basis. She's very sweet and is very jealous when it come to me and Boyfriend. She likes to worm her way between us if we're cuddling, which can be somewhat uncomfortable with a 70 pound dog. Some of her favorite things to do include: chasing squirrels, swimming at her bff Gordon's house, putting Leo's head in her mouth, getting her belly rubbed, chasing squirrels, begging for treats [which I discourage], hanging out with Lila, and chasing squirrels.

In one word: rascal
The newest member of our family is 8 week old Latch. Ryon wanted to call her Barn Dog because that's where she was living before she came home with us. I vetoed that. Though, I think he calls her that in secret. We haven't even had her a week yet, and she's a bitty baby, so her personality is still developing, but I have discovered a few things she loves: food, getting her belly rubbed, biting Lucy's tail, food, chasing Leo, and food.

Ps, the sound of the shower puts her right to sleep. It's amazing.

I'm positive I have more to say about our babies, but I'll spare you. I will however make it my mission to video a few of their hilarious antics around the house.


Julie said...

Aww, your babies are adorable! I wish I had cute pets like yours. I love Latch's photo! Sleepy dogs are so cute!

Mint & Mellow

asia marie @ upward said...

Thanks Julie! I can't seem to stop taking pictures of her =)