24 February 2011

Please forgive me.

I'm 10 days late. With these photos. And the little blurb that goes with them. Perhaps it’s because Boyfriend and I don’t celebrate V-Day in the Hallmark sense of the word. Perhaps it’s because I’m lazy. Or a procrastinator. Or both. Either way…Boyfriend and I don’t do much when it comes to acknowledging Valentine’s Day. (although, I gave him a major shout out over here) But we do love each other. And we love to cook. And we love to cook each other. I mean, together. So that’s what we did. And we did it right.

It all started with a trip to Central Market on February 13th. The air was still. A low fog hung over the city, and heat from the afternoon’s sun rested on my skin. Just kidding. I don’t remember what the weather was like. Though I seem to remember wearing shorts, so it must have been descent. Anywho, we were in the market for an artichoke (and whatever else struck our fancy). We found the Goliath of artichokes within seconds of walking in the door. From there items just seemed to jump in our basket. Apparently Mr. Artichoke was quite the popular fellow and the other groceries just couldn’t help themselves. They just had to be around him. A couple of isles over from where we fell in love with found Mr. Artichoke, we happened upon lobster tail on sale for $5.99 each. ($2 off!) They hurled themselves into our shopping cart and did cartwheels until we reached the checkout line. (They didn’t want to scare the cashier) After meeting the lobster tail, Boyfriend suggested a “surf and turf” dinner for Valentine’s. Buttery lobster goodness and steakgrilledbyboyfriend?! Sold!

I present to you Mr. Artichoke.

And lobster tail.
Yes. That is a box of potatoes. Don’t judge me.
And everything else we took photos of.
The end.

23 February 2011

Let's face it. I'm awkward.

It's true. I frequently find myself wanting to push words back in my mouth and down my throat. Unfortunately, quite a feat is impossible, so I'm usually left standing in a cloud of shame and embarrassment. Tad too dramatic? Ok. Maybe not a cloud. But a sting of shame anyway. And a bit of embarrassment. Supposedly it builds character, but whatev.

Moving on. To the tune of Mims popular hit, I present "This Is Why I'm Awkward." (it helps to have the song playing while you read my new and improved lyrics) Enjoy.

This is why I'm awkward [2x]
This is why [2x]
This is why I'm awkward
This is why I'm awkward [2x] Whoo
This is why [2x]
This is why I'm awkward

I'm awkward cause I'm Asia
You ain't cause you're not
This is why [2x]
This is why I'm awkward

This is why I'm awkward
I just have to laugh
I can’t help but to sound like a goofball talking smack
I represent Fort Worth
Check Facebook if you like
I used to live off Beach
But I moved down the tracks
I love the east side
'Cause we have lots of trees
But a white girl in the hood
Says tons of silly things
Here on Normandy
We have many neighbors
But when I wave at cars
It just happens to be strangers
And when I meet new people
I tend to act real shy
But give me a drink–
I’ll talk to you all night
In my house and my dad’s
One-liners are my fav
Don’t fly with Peter Pan
Cause you’ll never never land
And if you don’t know
My boyfriend is real cute
I sing in the shower
Aretha to Ms. Swift
Boyfriend shakes his head from side to side
He thinks I’m a weirdo, and I think that he’s right

Grammy, anyone? Huh, huh?

17 February 2011

my rack is better than yours.

Not like that! Come on people, get your mind out of the gutter. I'm talking about my pot rack. My ever-so-simple, easy as pie, built with love pot rack. For anyone who doesn't know, I got one of these babies for Christmas from my Mommies.
Oh boy was I stoked! I went to sleep that night with visions of power tools dancing in my head. Since then I have scoured the Internet, magazines, and blogland searching for inspiration. Something to use my new fancy pants drill for. Then I found it. Right over here at Apartment Therapy. My wheels weren't just turning, they were spinning. At warp speed. It was the perfect solution to my too small galley kitchen that isn't set up for an overhead pot rack.

Boyfriend and I headed to Home Depot, spent about 20 minutes debating which wood to use, and loaded the cart with everything else we thought we'd need.

I sanded all the wood, stained each piece, and let them sit overnight. After hours and hours about 30 minutes of assembly we had this beaut on our hands.Yay! I just love her! She's perfect! Go us! Enough excitement for ya? Oh, you want one more exclamation? Woooopeee!! There. All Done.

p.s. This is what I looked like today. In case you were wondering.

16 February 2011

it's a bird...it's a plane...it's...a skirt??

Good day everyone! Sydney over at The Daybook inspired me with her dress turned skirt so much that today I had to try it for myself. Verdict? Loving it! In fact, I loved it so much I had a little impromptu photo session this morning before heading to work. Watcha think?

14 February 2011

Tour Time!

Hi all! Today we're going on a tour of my brother's new casita. He recently moved in here with his lovely lady and her two kiddos (two of the cutest girls ever! btw...) Don't mind the lack of furniture or paint swatches on the wall–I ran around snapping photos before anyone could shout, "Hey wait! We're not even moved in yet!" For the record, I love this house! The floor plan is perfect...the rooms are nice and large...plenty of storage...and a ton, ton, ton of potential! I'm so excited to see what they'll do with her.

But enough gabbing...take a look for yourself.

future master bedroom

future office
living room
future playroom (was the dining room, but there's plenty of space in the kitchen for that)kitchen w/ dining area
hallway to upstairs bedroom
upstairs bathroom
future kiddos room
So, that's it for now. Aren't you tickled pink with excitement?! There's a small possibility I went overboard with enthusiasm and created mood boards for their house before they even signed the lease. A small possibility. I'll see if I can't find those for your viewing pleasure, and updates will follow as rooms begin to take shape.

14 things on the the 14th

Consider yourself lucky you aren't catching my first draft of this post. Suffice it to say I went on a little rant, got carried away, and completely lost sight of the purpose for this little Valentine's Day entry. Now that that's over...let's move on, shall we?

In the spirit of St. Valentine's Day, I thought I'd share a few things I love. Are you curious to know the focus of my list today? Come on, I'll show you!

14 things I love about Boyfriend:

1. his smile
2. his cute little nose
3. the insane shade of red he turns when he's giggling at It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
4. that he'll eat just about anything I cook, even the experiments gone wrong
5. that he loves, loves, loves his family and mine
6. that he'll let me pick the movie
7. that he loves God so faithfully and passionately
8. that he'll tell me I look nice (when prompted) when I wear skinny jeans, even though he hates them

9. that he participates in love-bubble affections even though he thinks it's weird
10. that he shares his food with me (even when it's obvious he wants all of it)
11. his arse
12. that he sings along to country songs when we're driving
13. his enthusiasm for outdoor adventures (and Hawaii)
14. that he'll get up and feed Lucy when I'm really, really tired (or hungover)

Welp...that's it. Everything I love about Boyfriend in a nutshell. Just kidding! That doesn't nearly cover it...but hey, fourteen is fourteen, right? I do what I can. Here are some extras for anyone who prefers pretty pictures over my type-A list.

he wears boots all the time...even in the snow

he poses for pictures like this in the middle of the thrift store

and this with the duke

and he's really good at catching catfish when all I can seem to hook are carp

AND he takes me out for nice dinners and finds awesome jewelry for my birthday, like this

So, that was my fourteen things (plus a couple). Now I'm off to make a lobster and steak dinner with Boyfriend. Do I have the best sweetheart in the world, or what? No response necessary, I know I do. =)

10 February 2011

it's about time

No, not the short lived TV series from the 60s. It's about time for me to post NYC photos! I've been back from my trip to The Big Apple for almost a month, and I'm just getting around to uploading pics. Contrary to what you would be led to believe (by most who know me, especially Boyfriend), it was not due to laziness. Exactly. I'd attribute the first week of procrastination to laziness. The weeks that followed without picture posting can be attributed to my misplacing the camera battery charger. By the time I got around to making time to sift through and edit photos, my pretty little silver Sony pal was dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. And unlike my last Sony pal, I was not gifted a second battery that can be charging while I use the other. Sad, I know. So, I've been searching like mad around the house. Not a single nook or cranny went unturned. But alas, there was no charger to be found.

Just when I thought all hope was lost (this morning), the big moderately sized light bulb in my head suddenly illuminated in a moment of sheer genius! Although I had checked both desks and their drawers, the coffee table drawers, the paper filling nook, my backpack, my nightstand, and even Boyfriend's catch-all tray, I hadn't thought to check my purses! Insert forehead slap with palm of hand accompanied by a big fat "duh!"

So....all that to say this. After a short charge this afternoon, Sony pal's battery was ready to work. Without further ado...a NYC photo tour!!!