11 September 2012

real food confession #1

[written 9/10/12]

I'm hungry. ALL THE TIME. I thought cutting out processed foods, and what I'd call fillers in dog food, was supposed to leave you feeling satisfied longer. I am insatiable. Especially at night. Last night I ate dinner twice. That's two times people. Uno, dos.

Between 6:00 and 8:30 I ordered two plates of food at two separate locations. First I had a big bowl of bow tie pasta with eggplant, basil, tomato, garlic, and marinara sauce. Supper yummy! Two hours later I was ravenous. AGAIN. So I ordered street tacos (from a restaurant). And, oh yeah, I cheated. Though I'm pretty confident the corn tortillas pass my rules, they tasted far too delicious to have simply been warmed up. I'm fairly certain they were coated in grease and essentially fried on the griddle before being filled with, oh I don't know, 1/2 pound of shredded brisket. GAH. Did I mention like any good street tacos, they were piled with cilantro and onions.Then with my heavy hand, doused in tomatillo sauce. So good.

I also tasted a teeny tiny bite of the cilantro lime rice that came with the tacos. Not so good. A few weeks back I made cilantro lime rice I ruined so bad I cried, and it tasted better. Ignoring the mound of flavorless white rice was not very difficult. Thank God because I'd already cheated on purpose about 7 hours earlier. And that rice was worth it. Scold me if you must--I don't care.

So, if anyone knows why I want to eat like a horse now, please share. Also, let's not be too hard on me about the rice. And tortillas. This week is going to be much better. (As long as my mom doesn't stock the office candy jar with Snickers. Geez.)


Rach said...

Prego people are hungry alot... but that rabbit food in your picture, not so much. Yay for tortillas!

Anonymous said...

You didn't have enough protein in the first meal. Protein keeps you fuller longer because it takes longer to digest. Fiber also keeps you full, but protein is better :) Not bowtie pasta :) -Linds :)

wow that was a lot of smiley faces hahaha.

Anonymous said...

I agree w linds plus mayb ur portions may be smaller than what ur required to keep up w ur high metabolism or the amount of exercise/energy u r burning through exercise (but not sure how much ur exercising havent kept up w ur blog...oops sry :x) just reevaluate this healthy lifestyle/diet u r following....that or u prob have lombrizes in ur pansita :) either way ily! :) muah
-bf/gf :p