After being cooped up in the house all day Friday, I spent Saturday out and about--visiting family and friends, playing dress up with Jennifer, and posing for the camera.
I drove to Grandma and Grandpa Lopez's Saturday morning to start the day off right with Grandma's world-famous menudo! Ok, so maybe it's not world famous, but anyone who's tried it would tell you it could be. Anyhow, GerRee and Lee had just arrived from Denver the night before, and we were gathering at her grandparent's to visit and eat. Well, eat and visit. ;) It was great to see GerRee, even though it was a very short visit, but we would be hanging out later in the weekend, so I didn't feel too shortchanged. Around noon I left to meet Jenn and Danny so I could follow them to Denton.
Jenn and I spent the afternoon "in make-up", which basically means I watched her do her own make-up
, then attempted to sit still for an hour while she applied mine. Then we moved on to wardrobe. My favorite part. That morning I threw half my clothes and seven pairs of shoes into a bag thinking, "well, that's just too much." Turns out it was the perfect amount. We spent several minutes putting outfits together, took a little break to eat some pizza, then started shooting. And can I just say, I had a blast! I'm definitely completely and totally awkward in front of the camera; however, Jenn was able to catch some pretty cool shots. My hat's off to Jenn! She is not only becoming make-up artist extraordinaire, but is also making her way to top notch photographer. Yay!
And what's next for me in my modeling career, you ask? Pretty sure I'll be sticking to silly tourist shots and family photos.
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