I spent the day rather unhappily subbing a 2nd grade class. The day started out ok. My neck had been hurting all night, I got very little sleep, and I was not looking forward to teaching 2nd grade...but at 3am, when I took my zombie walk to the bathroom and into the kitchen for some water, there it was through the window. Snow. A faint smile spread across my lips and I wandered back to bed. After waking up to find Fort Worth ISD hadn't closed schools, not even the snow could help me harness a good mood. It wasn't until the second half of the day when my homeroom went to math and I got the "bad" class that I started to enjoy my day. Perhaps it was the fact that their arrival signaled the 2 1/2 hour countdown, or maybe it was that they were un-boring because they were out of control. Either way, by the time they settled into their seats, I had a genuine smile on my face. Let's not forget the wise-ass remarks 8-year-olds can conjure up. Quite entertaining.
So, 3 o'clock came; I walked the class outside to wait for their parents...snow still coming down as it had for 12 straight hours at that point. I was happy to have a warm coat and ear muffs on, but I was not as pleased with my decision to don heels. Boots would have been much more appropriate; however, I don't think UGGs and slacks would have stood up to dress code. I did my best to ignore my freezing feet and focused instead on all the questions buzzing around in my head...where were all the parents? What was taking them so long? Why is that lady making her daughter walk through six inches of melted snow sludge to get in on the other side of the car? Why do kids keep running on the slippery ground? When can I leave? Could I have gotten away with wearing boots? And then, finally! They were gone. A good thirty minutes later and I was off to trudge through another patch of sludge around the back of the building to meet Ryon.
After a semi-quick trip to the grocery store we were home and playing in the snow with our girls. Lila and Lucy LOVED the snow! Ms. Ineverwannagetmypawswet Lila couldn't get enough. We had a blast running around in the snow...throwing snowballs at each other, at Edie, at the girls...I was simply amazed at how deep the snow had gotten! My own front lawn covered in several, that's right several, inches of snow. I feel like we should be in Colorado. Dad said earlier, it's the most snow we've had in 32 years. I just can't believe we've seen two full blankets of snow this winter! Some poor kid is going to think this is common for Texas winter and be very disappointed when he realizes what a fluke we've experienced. I, however, will be enjoying this winter weather for however long we see it. Fluke or no fluke. I just love the snow! And though the day started out rough, I have enjoyed our day o'powder...especially the last few hours at home with Ryon. =)