16 June 2011

and on this day...there was awkward & awesome

It's awkward to trail a joke with your own only to realize the moment is definitely over.

It's awkward to adjust your bra and then notice Creepy McCreepster staring at you.

It's awkward to laugh and noises that can only be described as sounding like a donkey come out. And it's in front of people. And they look at you and can only be thinking the same thing as you are, "that was awkward."

It's awkward to pee with your cat staring at you.


It's awesome to pour over a notebook of high school notes with a girlfriend and laugh at yourselves.

It's awesome to order Chinese food with Boyfriend and not have to cook.

It's awesome to watch this trailer. [say it with me in a sing-songy voice] Awwwwesoooome...

It's awesome when Puppy falls asleep in your arms.


Amanda said...

i was cleaning this morning and thought. . . its Thursday, I wonder what awkward and awesome things happened in Asia's life today?! I'm glad you posted, i hate it when the cat stares too, lol

Amber said...

It awkward when the cat goes potty(litter box next to toliet) at the same time as you do every morning.

Amy said...

That was awesome. But it was also awkward when reading parts of said notebook, in a public place, and laughing (extremely) out loud. Total fail there. lol!

CB said...

I am definitely guilty of doing your first "awkward." All the time. And as for making donkey noises, I have a tendency to snort...and it gets super awkward in, um, more professional settings.

These are absolutely perfect. I can't wait until next Thursday! ha!