26 May 2011

I'm gonna be one of those moms.

The one who photographs/videos their children ALL THE TIME and insists friends review the extraordinary accomplishments their child is making. Like, smiling. Or grinning. Or sucking their thumb. Because no child has ever been recorded doing that before. 

But I can' t help it...I'm so excited I could burst. Latch defeated the couch. Sorry guys it's true, she went out and made it her bitch. And then I made her repeat it so I could get video evidence.

Please ignore the lunatic [favorite word of the day btw, read this] in the background. She tends to appear out of nowhere just to embarrass me.

[Please note: You must turn your head sideways to view the victory because the lunatic in the video doesn't know how to turn it the right way.]

P.S. Happy Birthday Big Sister!! I looooooove you!!!

25 May 2011

I'm working on a special project.

And that's about all the details you're gonna get. Well, I'll give you a clue.


Ok, that was less of a clue and more of an I'll tell you exactly what I've been working on. Whatev. I guess now that I've spilled the beans I'll show you the fancy pants banner I whipped up last week.

Do you love it? Me too! You can thank Mary Lu for letting me borrow her arm and chest for the background image. In fact, go on over to her blog and have a look around. You can enter her 500th post drawing for a chance to win dinero for Amazon.com, and who doesn't love free money?

Oh, and if you feel like poking around in an empty, soon-to-launch etsy shop, pop on over here.

23 May 2011

rising star vineyards...and other junk

If anyone is curious, last week I was taken aboard an alien ship and forced to make pot brownies (apparently a bit of a time consuming process) while whistling Greased Lightning. [strange aliens.]

Now I'm back.

Oh-and on the way home, Boyfriend and I stopped off at a junk store then headed to a vineyard to sample some goodies. Mmmmmm....fermented grape juice....


13 May 2011

ruche wedding reception wardrobe. say that five times fast.

Today's a day for dreaming. Dreaming of clothes. Specifically the clothes I would be wearing to my cousin's wedding reception (yay Chad and Steph!) tomorrow if I had shopping money and if I could only shop at Ruche.

Go check em out if you haven't already. And probably even if you have. Window shopping is fun.

Question: Does anyone still say window shopping, or is that just me? Also, is it still window shopping when it's done online? I need the answer to these queries. K, thanks.

11 May 2011

[at least] five fictional character crushes

I recently came across this chicky and immediately loved her list of 5 fictional character crushes. I really love that she chose to restrict her choices to characters she met in literature, not film. I can't say that I'm going to follow the same guidelines because a couple of my biggest fictional crushes are not from books and they are just too big [and embarrassing] for me to ignore. Also, I'm clearly unable to keep the list to five people. I even cheated a bit and listed two people for one work of fiction.

1. Mr. Darcy / Pride and Prejudice
2. John Grady Cole / All the Pretty Horses
3. Edward Rochester / Jane Eyre
4. Edward Cullen (book), Jacob Black (movie) / Twilight Series
5. Chuck Bass / Gossip Girl, (specifically season 2 & season 3)
6. Ian O'Shea / The Host

Funny enough, Ian O'Shea is the only character not yet immortalized in literature AND film (or TV). But, that is due to change in the next year or so, and I'm so excited to see how he will be portrayed in the movie. Oh, and while we're at it I'll add my vote that Ian Somerhalder should be cast as Ian O'Shea. Perhaps it's because I love Damon Salvatore so much. Oh looky there, I just added another crush to my list.

PS- If you don't know these guys, might I suggest that you run out and introduce yourself to them immediately. K, thanks.

10 May 2011

I have a confession to make.

I've been on quite the chocolate kick lately.

It's my mom's fault really because she has a giant jar of snack size milky ways, three muskateers, and twixes in her office, which is only about twenty feet away. And I have to walk by jar every time I go to the printer. Unless I walk all the way around the office which doesn't make much sense because that's like ten additional steps. I'm at work people, not working out. So that's the state of things. Delicious chocolate goodness tempting me every time I walk to the printer.
It's also possible that I print extraneous material in order to have an excuse to walk to the printer. I mean, how many "hang in there" cat pictures does a gal really need?

09 May 2011

Mary Lu

You know that feeling when you have a million thoughts zipping around in your head but nothing comes out in a very clear manner, and you're trying to write a nice little paragraph for readers to enjoy before you post incredibly cute pictures of your friend Mary?  Isn't it the pits?

Well, that's what this is.


05 May 2011

a long time comin'

So what if I've been meaning to do this post for a year? I'm doing it now, aren't I?!

I've been waiting for a bag of money to fall from the sky onto my doorstep. Front or back, I'm not picky. But, THAT hasn't happened. I wanted all of the rooms to be perfect, so the magnificence of my work would practically glow on the computer screen (as seen here and here). Then I remembered I'm not Sherry or Kara. So I'm finally giving in. To myself. Me 0 - Myself 1. Fine. Whatever.

Presenting, mi casa. [that's my house in Spanish, for those of you living on another planet.] That sounded mean didn't it? That's myself talking, not me. She's a bit cocky today–getting her way and all. Feel free to ignore her attitude problem and scroll down to the good(ish) stuff.

So, that's it. Home sweet home. Minus the bedrooms because the camera died. You're not missing much, but I will post those shortly. I, myself, hope to have them up by the weekend. But according to me, anytime within the next year will do.

02 May 2011


On Saturday I shot my friend Mary over and over again. She said it didn't hurt though.