We're moving.
Whew. There. I said it. Cat's out of the bag. The lid's come off. It's out in the open. It's no longer under...well you get the picture.
We're not going far, but we are moving out of our beloved little neighborhood for the time being. Basically, we were faced with an offer we just couldn't refuse [please re-read that sentence in a Godfather voice, k thanks]. Bigger house, less rent. And since we're such smart cookies, we jumped on the opportunity. The hope is that we'll be able to get some money socked away sooner, buy a house, and move back to our beloved little neighborhood.
But it's not all peaches and cream over here. The house is kind of a disaster area, so we've got to get cracking if we're gonna get it in ship shape before we move in. Not to mention we're cuttin' it pretty close, considering we've got less than two months before our deadline. That may seem like a piece of cake, but Boyfriend and I do have full-time jobs. So we'll be burning the midnight oil for weeks to come.
At the end of this, I'll be in dire need of a manicure, a massage, and a couple drinks.