26 April 2012

party in my pants

I'm a little late to this party, but I've been vying for a pair of colored jeans for a while now. They are just so darn cute on everybody else. So I made some. There. Done. Mission accomplished. Though, now I find myself wanting more. I may have started down a road I am not prepared for, as an obsession has definitely taken root. Violet. Yellow. Pastel Green. Lilac. Cobalt. I could keep going. Oh pretty colored jeans...I have a wonderful place for you to live and be loved. Right in my closet.

When I showed Boyfriend my new improved pants (who loved them almost as much as I do...ok not quite that much, but he did like them), I started babbling about how many pairs of colored jeans I wanted and how fun it would be to dye several pair and began rattling of the shades I was lusting for. I was immediately met with a blank stare and two simple questions, "So, you're going to buy a bunch of white jeans so you can dye them? Why don't you just buy colored jeans?" Hmmmm....good point Boyfriend.

Why don't we explore some options.

found here.
found here.
found here.

and these. and these. and these. and these.

Can't. Get. Enough.